Summer Camp-Inspired Fun! by Lindsey Turnbull

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Summer Camp-Inspired Fun!
by Lindsey Turnbull

Summer isn’t the same without summer camp! At least, it’s not for me. After three years of teaching summer camp, I really missed it this year. In order to fill the gap, I put together a bunch of personal development, leadership development, and arts and crafts activities to give you that summer camp like experience. Best of all? No bug spray, sunscreen, or bag lunch needed! (Although, you can totally knock yourself out if you’re into bug spray.)

Originally, these were posted as daily activities. You can break them up by theme/day, or do them all at once. Virtual camp means you can do activities solo, or with friends/family, day or night. The choice is yours!

Personal development:

Write a list of 100 things you like about yourself. I know, it seems like A LOT (and it is) but once you start writing, you’ll surprise yourself. Hang up your completed list where you can admire it!

Text 3-5 friends and ask them to describe you in three words. Write down the answers!

Share your completed activities with the #MHSummerCamp and tag @missheardmedia! on FB, IG, and Twitter! 


Find a quote that inspires you and write or print it out. This will be the basis of the vision board arts & crafts activity.

Create a #ThisIsWhyImVoting post! ThisIsWhyI’mVoting is run by TAB Alum Ashtyn, and features voices from people who are registered and plan to vote. Learn more and share your story!

Take the leadership quiz and find your superpower!

Share your completed activities with the #MHSummerCamp and tag @missheardmedia! on FB, IG, and Twitter! 

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Your fave (and mine!) Arts & Crafts:

Friendship bracelets: Grab some yarn, hemp rope, twine, or other similar string, scissors, tape, maybe a button or a bead. I made two videos to show you how to make a basic, spiral bracelet. Video 1 (with dog interruption) | Video 2 (less dog goodness)

Vision Board: Use the quote as the beginning of a vision board. Then, using magazines, hand-lettering, photos, etc., create a collage of your dreams and goals. Hang it up and let it inspire and motivate you! Here’s a video talking about my vision board and how it helps me be a leader with a vision!

Create Art for a Cause:  Create some art for “‘This Is A Movement, Not a Moment;’ a gallery show which seeks to continue the conversation around the Black Lives Matter movement by amplifying artists/art that speak to historical and contemporary issues of racial injustice. Select works will be displayed virtually (via Zoom reception) and physically at Burncoat Center for Arts and Wellness of Worcester, MA in August of 2020. Additionally, five artists will be selected to win a $25 cash prize.

Our goal is to support our local artists and to display art which educates our communities, sparks conversation, and ignites necessary change. The ARTivism Initiative is dedicated to lifting the voices of Black artists; our goal is to feature a majority of Black artists. ⁣Artists of all mediums are encouraged to submit.”

Zen Doodling: Grab a marker or pen and a sheet of unlined paper. Try your hand at some Zen doodling with me! I’s relaxing and a bit meditative!

Reserve Tie Dye: Grab a dark colored t-shirt, some bleach, rubber bands, gloves. You can watch me explain all the steps, although my project TOTALLY failed! Enjoy my public F L O P, but give it a try and see how it goes! (I used some REALLY old bleach.)

BONUS: Freeform painting: Grab some paint, brushes, and tape. You do NOT need any kind of painting or art skill involved. Watch this video to follow along and enjoy me doing my best Bob Ross impression.  Serious wisdom is dropped!

Share your completed activities with the #MHSummerCamp and tag @missheardmedia! on FB, IG, and Twitter! 

Related Reading

25 Ways to Get Creative this Year!

Stormy Outside? Five Online Activities to Stay Entertained Indoors

Create.Make.Lead Girl Power Camp Session 3 Recap!

Image: Summer Camp Session 3 at Cathay Future Center. 2019.

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