Putting Girls Back in their Rightful Places
(the history books!):
The 2020 Girl Powered Planner
The 2020 Girl-Powered Planner features 365 days of girls and young women under 25 who have contributed to American history, fun ideas, and year-round inspiration!
“Each time a girl opens a book and finds a womanless history, she learns she is worth less.”
– Myra Sadker
Many have heard my story– I only met a few key players in US history, like Martha Washington and Rosa Parks. I didn’t meet many others until GRADUATE school in history, which means many young people don’t get introduced to these figures at all.
That means young people- especially girls- miss out on meeting hundreds (or more) of their foremothers. They missing out on crucial pieces of women’s history,Asian American history, Black history, LGBT history: American history, AND they miss out of being inspired by the thousands of trailblazing, changemaking, incredible women in our nation’s history.
In a society that often feels hostile and dismissive of women and girls, it can be so inspiring and reassuring to hear the stories of girls and women who broke barriers, shattered expectations and did incredible things in their own time, in societies unwelcoming and unbelieving of them.
These stories show that girls don’t HAVE to be on the front lines, making discoveries- although they can do those things too and that the ordinary things that make us who we are can impact history.
The 2020 planner introduces dozens of girls and women who changed the face of: literature, sports, poetry, music, politics, technology, every aspect of culture you can imagine- including 80+ new girls and women! Each day includes a young woman or event that changed American history or an idea for a fun and empowering activity.
There’s also a free download available that includes movie and book lists, mantras, and activities that will leave you in awe of the power of women and girls.
The 118 page planner is spiral bound, so it lays flat, with a cardboard cover, 5″ x 7″; perfect for putting in your backpack or purse. It’s beautifully designed by Abbie Gately and printed in color, with a week at a glance AND designated spaces for weekly goals and affirmations.
Reviews of the 2020 Girl Powered Planner:
Sharow D’Agostino, of Say It Forward, said:
“I LOVE the 2020 Girl Powered Planner and have just packed up packages to four friends of various ages (13 – 24 ) who need their very own planner.”
Sterling Murray, a student at VCU said:
“It’s a super cute and useful planner…I love how on the different days it has different positive activities to do or gives some history about what the day/month means.”
Jacqui, from WomanofManyRoles.com wrote:
“The Girl Powered Planner is the perfect tool to help you start the year with a bang! It covers just about every topic out there. It shows that the sky is the limit and to never give up! I think this is perfect gift to give girl teenager to start the new year off to a great start!”
Famadillo.com said:
“It is my favorite gift I will be giving so far! I think my favorite part is the checking out these inspirational stories especially on a day that I am having a tough time. They bring me right back down to earth…Please consider this as a must on your shopping list!”
Get a Girl Powered Planner from our webshop or from a local retail shop. By shopping small, you support small, locally owned businesses, women, and communities!

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