For April, Shower Love on Your Local Rad Girl

For April, Shower Love on Your Local Rad Girl
April Call for Submissions!

April showers bring May flowers! This month, we’re looking for stories that ‘shower’ your local rad, inspiring, cool girl with love. We’re not looking for a celebrity, even if you live next door to Demi Lovato. We want to hear about everyday girls.

We want to highlight real-life girls doing cool things across the nation. Sure, Beyonce is the epitome of cool and she does amazing things, but she can share the spotlight.

So, we want to hear from you! Who is making a difference in your community, school, house of worship, etc.? What does she do that inspires you- volunteer, write, sing, something else? What message does she want to share with the world?

This month’s theme really has three simple steps:

1. Identify super cool, changemaking girl in your area.
2. Approach her and ask her to share a bit about her life.
3. Submit your article/art/poem/song (and possibly a selfie) to us to publish!

Please send your submission, along with a short, 1-2 sentence bio, and a photo to hello at missheardmedia dot com!

P.S. April is National Poetry Month, National Volunteering Month, and Sexual Assault Awareness Month. We will accept submissions on these themes as well.

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