This ‘teen girl whisperer’ shares confidence tips to help young women, Uspire
“The idea for MissHeard Media started when I was in college, volunteering as a big sister mentor. I realised I loved working with tween and teen girls, and I was good at it.
“It was something I always thought I would come back to… one day. ”
She continued: “I thought I’d finish grad school, have a whole career in the museum/history world, and come back to working with young women when I was more established.”
While Lindsey did finish graduate school, securing a MA degree in Public History, by the time she had moved from Florida to Washington, D.C., to embark on her career there were huge budget cuts and hiring freezes – meaning she found herself with a lot of free time.
It was during this time that she kept coming back to her innate gift, helping young people find their feet in this world so they feel equipped to follow their dreams.
Lindsey Turnbull featured in ThisIsWhyImVoting Initiative!
MissHeard Media founder Lindsey Turnbull talks about registering to vote, the importance of local elections, and why she'll vote in every single election! Read the feature!
Unleash Your Girl Power eBook featured by Être!
"From our friends at MissHeard Media comes UNLEASH YOUR GIRL POWER - asking the super important question: What does power mean to you? With actionable tips from author Lindsey Turnbull and quotes and stories from girls like you, UNLEASH comes at exactly the right time. Home at your keyboard? Scrolling on social? Take a dive into this new book and imagine all that lies ahead...from home!"
Learn more about Être!
Lindsey Turnbull featured on WeInspire Movement!
“I think it’s really important for all young women to really cultivate a strong sense of self-worth, to really know who they are and appreciate that person,” Turnbull said. “To take care of that themselves, to take care of their mental health, to understand warning signs of toxic relationships, and to put themselves out there and be who they are and be brave and to accept who they are and to really like that person.”
Turnbull said that MissHeard Media’s purpose is to connect young girls who can relate to one another and to provide a space where they know what they say is important.
“Ultimately, at the core of everything, whether it’s a creativity camp or an activism camp, the core of it is - who I am matters and what I have to say matters,” Turnbull said."
Lindsey Turnbull cited in NBC Better article "'OK boomer' is dividing generations. What does it mean?"
"Lindsey Turnbull, 30, an entrepreneur who works with teen and tween girls as the owner of MissHeard Media, finds that, in general, boomers shun the concerns of younger people, pointing to their lack of experience in life as grounds for their dismissal.
“Gen Z are more compassionate and thoughtful with their language, [and in response] boomers decry them as PC police," Turnbull says. “Gen Z faces an unstable world due to climate and economic crises and the steady, visible rise of white nationalist populism. They feel boomers are not willing to acknowledge these real issues, let alone create solutions, and would rather chastise them for their age, looks or ability.”
Lindsey Turnbull featured guest on You Inside Out: UIO Podcast
"Amid concerns about teenage girls growing up too fast, Sonja Lewis has some straight talk with Lindsey Turnbull, founder of Miss Heard Media, about how girls can exercise their rights to rise above the pressures around body image, sexualization and all the rest.
The podcast offers advice and tips on embracing youth and setting boundaries to live your best life now.
A must listen podcast for teenage girls the world over."
Girls and Navigating Social Media with MissHeard Founder, Lindsey Turnbull on Raising Empowered Girls
Social media is ubiquitous in girls’ lives. Too often, parents are not sure what parenting technique to use, opting for a to much or too little approach, or brush social media off entirely- demonizing it or tells their daughters it doesn’t matter. These misunderstandings can cause friction between parents and daughters. Informing parents can only benefit them!
History Graduate is Chosen for UCF 30 Under 30 for Impacting the Lives of Teenage Girls
One of Turnbull’s most pressing goals is to allow young girls to realize their full potential and help recreate the narrative for women that is often negative.
“I always wanted to work with teenage girls,” said Turnbull. “They’re often portrayed as frivolous, silly and catty and not the deep, curious, bright and wonderful people that they are.”
She began working with girls through the Young Women Leaders Program during her time at UCF. It was while working on her Master’s degree that Turnbull began to discover that women have played a significant role throughout American history. It was the first time she was exposed to a history that was inclusive, which Turnbull says is the case for most women. Many of the girls Turnbull worked with began to express an interest in learning more about women and their contributions, but weren’t being taught in school.
“I thought it would be so cool if girls could see themselves in History,” said Turnbull. “Girls should get to meet these women before grad school.”
Q&A with MissHeard Media on GirlMuseum
"Girls history is American history. Period.
Too often girls and young women — especially marginalized girls — are not seen in American history. These stories should be told and girls deserve to see themselves represented in our nation’s history.
And not just for teens! A lot of the folks featured have largely flown under the radar in general. Some of the more contemporary folks might be completely new to adults! Do adults know that Yara Shahidi, of black-ish and grown-ish started Eighteenx18, a foundation to get 17-and 18-year olds to vote in midterm elections? Adults can learn too. You’re never too young or too old to learn something or raise your voice or make a difference."
Putting Girls in their Rightful Place in History on MakeMuse
MissHeard Media is currently running a Kickstarter campaign to support their latest endeavor. Click here to support.
Mr. Douglas O’Brien made history come alive. He made history interesting, exciting, animated, and most of all, relevant to my life. From his teaching, I learned how people, shaped by and shaping culture, made decisions that we’re still coping with today- for better or worse. Mr. O’Brien ignited my passion for the past; one I followed through college and into graduate school.
It dawned on me in college, and again many times during my MissHeard career, that many historical actresses were in fact teens and young women, although they were not thought of that way during their lifetime (or even in historical record).
MissHeard Media Founder Wins 2018 30 Under 30 Awards from the University of Central Florida!
UCF Alumni announced the recipients of its fourth annual 30 Under 30 Awards on March 30. This year’s class includes marketing and communications professionals, entrepreneurs, engineers, software specialists, attorneys, education leaders, doctors, nurses, the youngest-elected Florida state representative and a football star, among others.
“This year’s 30 under 30 class is a group of trailblazing young alumni who have made an impact within their professions, communities, and this university in the early stages of their careers. The record-breaking accomplishments of this group are inspiring, and they rank as the best of the best from UCF’s accomplished young alumni base,” says Mike Kilbride ’12, chair of UCF’s Young Alumni Council. “UCF is a special place, and it is inspiring to see so many of our graduates building on their UCF experience to make an impact in our community and around the country. The entire Young Alumni Council is proud of this group of finalists, and on behalf of UCF, I extend my sincerest congratulations on this well-deserved accomplishment.”
MissHeard Media featured in OUTFRONT Magazine
Much like the unexpected obstacle women faced two Novembers ago, MissHeard Media recently lost their website and all previously published work. But they will bounce back, just like women everywhere. We talked to Lindsey Turnbull, the company’s owner, about setbacks, following your dreams, and creating a voice for queer women in 2018.

Tell us about MissHeard Media. What is it, and what is your mission? What do you do to empower young women?
MissHeard Media’s blog gives girls a space to share their own stories, in their own words. We’ve had girls submit on every sort of topic, from fashion and TV, to surviving an abusive family member, to dealing with mental health struggles. Our workshops focus on building skills like leadership, advocacy, and community.
Ultimately, I hope MissHeard Media will foster compassion, empathy, and critical thinking skills in teen girls.
She wants to make sure girls' voices are heard- The Laker/Lutz News
Lindsey Turnbull, a former resident of Land O’ Lakes, has been named one of the University of Central Florida’s 30 Under 30 alumni award winners.
Turnbull was recognized for her work as the founder and CEO of MissHeard Media, a platform that offers teen girls the opportunity to elevate their voices and to create community.
MissHeard Media is an outgrowth of Turnbull’s experience at the University of Central Florida, where she worked closely with teenage girls.
“What I really discovered was that all of these teen girls were really smart and funny, and had all of these really interesting things to say, but nobody was really asking them what they thought,” Turnbull said.
“I thought to myself: One day, I’m going to do something so everyone will know how awesome teen girls are,” she said.
That day came sooner than she expected.
MissHeard Media Founder on Bloom Journal
I always knew I wanted to make a mark on the world somehow, someway. I’d shape young minds as a teacher or professor, enact helpful policy as a politician, or write the Great American Novel. What idealistic kid doesn’t want to leave her mark on the world? In college, I decided I wanted to change the world by studying the past.
I busted my butt and earned dual degrees in History and Anthropology. I joined the Young Women Leaders Program (YWLP) as a big sister mentor. The YWLP matched collegiate mentors with middle school girls to build relationships while fostering autonomy, community, and competence. It was truly a life-changing experience; I learned what valuable female friendships were and took on new challenges as I moved up through the ranks, becoming a group facilitator and eventually the program coordinator. Mostly, I learned how amazing, brilliant, funny, and insightful teen girls are.
To date, MissHeard has published nine digital magazine issues, maintained a daily blog, grown a large and engaged social media following, and presented workshops to teen girls and parents alike. We’ve developed amazing partnerships, attended some fantastic conferences, and have had opportunities I that I had never imagined.
When I couldn’t find a job after school, it felt like every door slammed shut and bolted in front of me. I felt like an utter failure, but I refused to admit defeat. Down, but never out, I used my toolkit to construct a whole new door. I didn’t fail, I’m simply carving a whole new and exciting path.

MissHeard featured by Empowered Women International!
We're so thrilled that Empowered Women International chose to feature Lindsey Turnbull and MissHeard on their blog and in their newsletter! Keasha Lee Ince, owner of Striking Statements, interviewed Lindsey about how MissHeard got its start, and how EWI helped her on her journey.
Here's a snippet of the blog:
“I started MissHeard Media in 2013, after I earned my MA in history and moved from FL to DC in hopes of finding the perfect museum job,” Lindsey recalls. “But the sequester made it difficult for finding work and I realized I missed the teen girls I worked with when I was a part of a teen mentoring program (Young Women Leaders Program/YWLP) in college.”
During Lindsey’s time with the YWLP, she witnessed how smart, innovative, and funny the girls were and recognized that there wasn’t enough focus on these aspects of teen girls in the media and society at large. “I wanted to give them a platform to share their unique stories and connect with one another. I wanted to help them sharpen the skills they will use every day as they journey towards adulthood,” she said.
Founder Lindsey Turnbull to speak at 1st BRAVE Summit!
Hosted by Unleashed NYC
I'm so excited to announce that I'll be speaking at the first ever BRAVE Summit on behalf of MissHeard Media! Please join me and a host of amazing speakers, including supermodel Emme, TV personality Contessa Brewer, Unleashed founder and author Dr. Stacey Radin and dozens more on November 5th at Fordham University Lincoln Center in NY, NY!
I (Lindsey) will be sitting on a panel called Brave Voices: Powerful Communication with high school junior Hallie Fawer and participating in lunchtime speed mentoring!
MissHeard Featured on Huffington Post!
Hooray! Today is an exciting day because MissHeard Magazine got a featured write up on Huffington Post Impact! MissHeard, along with BeGirl, NFCC International, and Women’s Entrepreneurship Day. We’re so thankful to Huffington Post and Sarah Hillware, of Girls Health Ed, for highlighting these organizations!
Read about MissHeard and check out the whole article here.
Lindsey Turnbull founded MissHeard Magazine after graduate school, while she was looking for jobs. She credits the Young Women Leaders Program (YWLP), a mentoring program, and says that her inspiration came from her involvement with YWLP throughout college. During her time in the program, she realized that if you asked teen girls what they thought, they had a lot of brilliant ideas. Most teen magazines she saw and read as a teen did not address the diversity of teens, and when they did, there was little or no space for girls to share their own experiences. She thought girls deserved that space.
MissHeard Magazine is submissions based, so the majority of the content on the blog and in the quarterly magazine is written by teens and young women. In her mind, creating this space for girls to share their diverse experiences will lead to girls understanding one another better. Turnbull hopes that this understanding will carry on into adulthood and help women to change the world!
We couldn’t be more excited!